VH3logo Vindobona Hash House Harriers - Schedule VH3logo
For lifts to the runs (Hash Taxi), please contact the following :-
Name Work Phone Home Phone Handy (Mobile) Preferred Pick-up Point
Lord Glo-Balls, OVH Retired +43 2215 3178 +43 664 415 4225 U1, Kaisermühlen- VIC or
U3, Erdberg station
Morhaer von Richard Kopf, OVH +43-1-59991-152   +43 681 1052 7596 U3, Erdberg station
or as otherwise arranged
If you want to find out about various informal meetings and latest news about VH3 Events then click on the button on the right to join the ViennaHash Mailing List (Groups.io). Use a private email address, not your office email address :- Groups IO

Participation in any event organized by the Vindobona Hash House Harriers (VH3) is entirely at your own risk. The Masthead (Executive Committee of VH3) accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury which you sustain.

The run fee is €5 for adults (18 and over). Please do not bring small coins (eurocent), only coins of €1 or €2 will be accepted, plus any size bank notes (if we have enough change!), or Bankomat card (when Lord Glo-Balls is present). Youths from 12 to 17 pay €2 and kids (under 12), dogs and sticks are free.

The Hash normally runs at 18:30 on Monday in the Summer and 14:30 on Sunday in the Winter. If the run is going to be long, or will be followed by a BBQ or Swim, or is a long way out of Vienna, Hares are encouraged to move from Monday to Sunday (in the Summer). There is no minimum number of Hashers on the check, before checking can start.

Date Time Run No. Hares Location
2025-03-02 14:30 #2298 Just Almi, just Maroua & Fucked Checker Hofer/Obi parking lot in St. Marx
GPS coordinates: N48.18548552212113, E16.41204956496632

Directions: Stick Döblerhofstrasse 8 into the SatNav I(Navi) and drive there.

Public Transport: U3 Gasometer, then a short walk

On-After: Hitomi Q-Tower, Leopold-Böhm-Straße 5.

Google Maps: Click for Map of Location (check directions for exact location)
This map can also be used for journey planning by Car or Public Transport

Date Time Run No. Hares Location
2025-03-09 14:30 #2299 Ice Queen, Slush Puppie & Joy Stick Schwarzenbergplatz, Russian Monument
GPS coordinates: N48.19803, E16.37632

Directions: Park nearby along Rennweg, Traungasse, Zaunergasse, Daffingerstraße etc.

Public Transport: Tram 71 (Am Heumarkt), D (Gusshausstraße); Metro U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz - then walk)

On-After: Salm Bräu, Rennweg 8.

Google Maps: Click for Map of Location (check directions for exact location)
This map can also be used for journey planning by Car or Public Transport

Don't forget, the Hares are responsible for making sure there is enough Beer (2 cases minimum, in the winter, 3 in the summer), wine (red & white, 2 bottles each), water, softies, cups, rubbish bags and snacks at the end of the Hash. Please try to make use of discounts (often 25%) offered by supermarkets on certain days and shop in places like Hofer & Lidl for cheaper softies. Beer Stops in a commercial establishment, Hashers have to pay themselves (make sure they take cash on the Hash). Drink stops organized by the Hares using Hash Beer & Softies or Schnapps will be paid by Hash Cash.

Locations we have used in past years (November 2008 to 2024)

Receding Hareline (tentative Hares and Locations), subject to change without warning) :-

Click here to send an email to Hash Lash offering to set a Hash

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If you want to find out about various informal meetings and latest news about VH3 Events then click on the button on the right to join the ViennaHash Mailing List (Groups.io). Use a private email address, not your office email address :- Groups IO

If you have any questions about these directions, just use the email address at the bottom of this page.