Your route from Wien (A) to Payerbach (A)
Route information

from: Wien (A)
to: Payerbach (A)
Distance: 91.2 km
Time: 01:11
City Direction Distance Time


(Vienna)  Start: 0 m 00:00


  after 164 metres: Turn left 164 m 00:00


  after 39 metres: Turn right 203 m 00:00


  after 2.1 km: Turn right, to Landstraßer Hauptstraße 2.3 km 00:06


  after 629 metres: Turn left, to S23 2.9 km 00:08


  after 285 metres: Turn to motorway, to A23/E59/E60 3.2 km 00:09


Wien-Inzersdorf  after 6.6 km: Towards Graz, to A2/E59/E60 9.8 km 00:13


Vösendorf  after 3.5 km: Towards Graz, to A2/E59 13.3 km 00:15


Guntramsdorf (15)  after 10.2 km: Towards Graz, to A2/E59 23.6 km 00:21


Wiener Neustadt (46)  after 32 km: Towards Graz, to A2/E59 55.5 km 00:40


Seebenstein (57)  A2/E59 65.2 km 00:46


Seebenstein (57)  after 2.3 km: Straight ahead; Leave the motorway, to S6 67.5 km 00:48


  after 14.8 km: Straight ahead, to B17 82.4 km 01:00


  after 998 metres: Turn left 83.4 km 01:02


  after 403 metres: Turn left, to B27 83.8 km 01:02


Hart NE  after 565 metres: Straight ahead, to B27 84.3 km 01:03


  after 364 metres: Turn left, to B27 84.7 km 01:03


Gloggnitz  after 429 metres: Turn right, to B27 85.1 km 01:04


Heufeld  after 726 metres: Straight ahead, to B27 85.9 km 01:05


  after 861 metres: Turn left, to B27 86.7 km 01:06


Schmidsdorf  after 1.8 km: Straight ahead, to B27 88.5 km 01:08


Mühlhof  after 1.6 km: Straight ahead, to B27 90.1 km 01:10


(Payerbach)  You are at your destination 91.2 km 01:11