
Vindobona Hash House Harriers - External Links


Hashes near Vienna, Austria (By Country - Alphabetically) :-

Austria  Austria (in addition to VH3 and Vienna Full Moon Hash)
Bosnia  Bosnia
Croatia  Croatia
Czech Republic  Czech Republic
Germany  Germany
Hungary  Hungary
Italy  Italy
Kosovo  Kosovo
  • Pristina Hash House Harriers (defunct)
Poland  Poland
Serbia  Serbia
Slovakia  Slovakia
Slovenia  Slovenia
  • Ljubljana Hash House Harriers (defunct)
Switzerland  Switzerland

General Information

Diamond UK Hash House Harriers (UK and European Directory and Events)
Diamond GoToTheHash.Net (Directories, and Events)
Diamond Flying Booger's Half-Mind Catalog (Calendar, Directory, Merchandise, General info)
Diamond Beaver Bam Bam Balls' The Harrier Page (Directory, out of date)
Diamond On On Magazine (Harrier Magazine, links to HHH World Events)
Diamond HHH World Events (Hash Events around the World)