VH3 - 850 Registration Form


Registration form for Hash 850, 8th-10th October 1999

Hash Chapter _____________________________
Hash Name _____________________________
Family Name _____________________________
First Name _____________________________
Address _____________________________________
Home Phone _____________________________________
Work Phone _____________________________________
Fax _____________________________________
E-Mail _____________________________________
T-Shirt Size M L XL XXL (Circle preferred size)

Accommodation Requirements (Circle preference) :-

Crash Space (limited)/Book 2 star hotel/Make own arrangements

I declare that my participation in the 850 weekend organized by the Vindobona Hash House Harriers is entirely at my own risk and responsibility and I will not hold anyone liable for any loss, damage or injury which I may sustain.

Date :________________ Signature: ________________________

Return this form to Fax number +43-1-2600-29104 or John Russell, IAEA, P.O. Box 200, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria.

Last Modified 1999-07-23 / Vindobona Hash House Harriers / John "Glo-Balls" Russell

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