Vindobona H3 Masthead for November 2023 to October 2024

Masthead in Previous Year

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For those of you wonder what the hell all those people on the Masthead really do, here is a description of what each person is supposed to do. Where there is more than one name mentioned, the first name is responsible for the function and the other stand in when he or she is absent. These responsibilities sometimes change depending on who is holding the post and how much they are prepared to do. The GM reserves the right to create or abolish posts, and co-opt people onto the Masthead during the year in order to keep the Hash going. Remember the Hash has no constitution, except the one tradition - the GM is always right.

Grand Master -  Walrus

Make sure everybody else does their job properly, and be prepared to stand in for any of the others in an emergency. Organize the down-downs at the end of each run, assisted by the Religious Advisor. Organize regular meetings of the Masthead to discuss problems and sort out responsibilities. When things go wrong, gets all the blame, and when things go right, gets none of the credit, just beer on his or her head.

Co-Vice Grand Masters - Casting Couch & Victoria's Secret

Stand in for the GM when the GM is absent, indisposed or drunk (i.e. most of the time).

Co-Religious Advisers - A.N.a.L. & Morhaer von Richard Kopf, OVH
RA Ass(istants)s - Victoria's Secret & Daisy Balls, with Cardinal Munk, OVH, (aka 'Monasticus Consuasor') as time keeper.

In co-operation with the GM, the RA (and his or her supporting cast) conducts the Circle and decides who get the Down-Downs. Keeps an eye out for those who commit Hash Crimes, e.g. shortcutting, not wearing a Hash T-Shirt, talking when the GM or RA is talking, new shoes or car or baby etc.

Hash Lash - Mr. Pink

Finds Hares to set the runs and gets locations from them, so that it can be put in the Haschedule in plenty of time. Responsible for creating the Haschedule and sending an electronic version to the Hash Web Master for putting up on VH3 Web Site.
As of November 2022, it was agreed that detailed instructions of how to drive to the location or use public transport are no longer necessary as everyone has access to a SatNav (Navi), Online Map or Route Planner.

All Hashers are responsible for volunteering to set runs and coming up with good locations and letting the Hash Lash know.

Hash Cash, Hash Web Master & International Contacts - Lord Glo-Balls, OVH

Hash Cash Ass(istant) - Prince of Barkness, Slush Puppie, OVH, Holy Roamin' Empress, Ice Queen, OVH and Professor, DDr. Felch, Mind the Gap (MTG), OVH

Collects the weekly run fee from each runner and marks down their presence on the sheets used to keep statistics. Maintains mailing list and run statistics. Collects any money for special events and pay any bills resulting, reimburse Hash Beer for the cost of the beer and soft drinks provided at each run, reimburse any other expenses incurred by other members of the Masthead, e.g. postage costs, on production of receipts. Keeps the accounts and prepares a written statement for the AGM.

For historical reasons, corresponds with other Hashes and Harrier International and acts as main contact point for visiting Hashers. Also maintains the VH3 Web Site and Yahoo! Groups Mailing List.

Hash Blogger - Grande Madame de Toilette, Marie Tamponette, OVH & F*cked Checker

Responsible for writing something about each run in the Blog and finding others to assist.

Hash Beer - The Hare

The Hare makes sure that enough cold beer, wine and soft drinks are available at the end of each run, to slake the thirst of the pack. If the Hash Beer fails to organize this, supplies will be obtained from the nearest petrol station at the Hare's own cost. In 2025, beer cans will have a deposit and will need to be returned in good condition.

Please note the change of policy (since the AGM on 7 November 1999) which makes the Hare responsible for making sure enough beer is there and that it is suitably chilled.

Hash Wine - A.N.a.L, Hash Wine Ass. Mr. Pink

Responsible for making sure enough wine is there.

See the Schedule page on the website for details of what to bring.

Hash Haberdasher -Anita Hanjob & Pichachu are responsible for designing & arranging the printing of T-shirts and any other mementos as the Masthead decides, and Lord Glo-Balls, OVH, sets up shop after each run and sells as many T-shirts as possible.

Hash Media Morons - The Moron Brothers Inc - My Pint of View, Joy Stick, Horsedick, & Daisy Balls

Takes photos at runs and special events. Uploads them to the Hash Photo Album. On special request, for a very large fee, will delete the photo from all locations and undertake not to distribute further.

Hash Fun - Multiple Entry, The Blessed Saint Stormin' Norman, OVH, Nail Me, Victoria's Secret & A.N.a.L.

Responsible for organizing TGIF (Thank Goodness it's Friday), SHIT (So Happy it's Thursday), parties and social events - in addition to the regular meetings of the Hash.

Canto and the Blue Balls (was Poor White Trash and the Trailer Park Symphony, Fru Fru and the Argonuts Minstrels for my Singing Dingaling, Cosy Fan Tutti & His Bald Headed Band, Manuel Stiffy & the Broken Penis Orchestra, Hector Lopez and the Rim Jobs, Norman Bates' Shower Head, Cosy Franny and the Tutti Fruttis, Dick Davis and the Dicktones, Gary Gay and his Gaylords, Curious George and the Homophobes, Lucky Luciano and his Gay Caballeros, Vienna Queer Boys Choir) - Membership Fluid or full of fluid? - Grande Madame de Toilette, Marie Tamponette, OVH and others.

This is a special group of Vienna Hashers who take it upon themselves to lead the singing in the circle at certain times. At other times they seem to be singing against the rest of us! Members include Cardinal Munk, Grande Madame de Toilette, Marie Tamponette, OVH, Pimpsqueak, Multiple Entry and Lord Glo-Balls (honorary).

Hash Choir - Lopsided Backside, Nail Me, Casting Couch & Daisy Balls

Bring song sheets and lead the Hash so they learn new Hash Songs at the Song Stop and in the Circle.

Hash Horn - Court Jester, Free Willie, OVH

Custodian of the Vindobona Horn. Ensures that the Horn is present at every Hash. Blows the horn frequently during the run, especially when the On-On is called, so that no Hashers are lost. In November 2008, "Deo" donated a new horn for this post.
Hash Horn is entrusted to take good care of his horn and make sure that it is not left on park benches, behind trees or in any other place where it may end up lost or stolen. A hornless Hasher is a sad Hasher.

Special additional responsibility of this post (only applies to Court Jester, Free Willie, OVH) - Not allowed to tell jokes, run through checks or come first. This restriction also applies on the Full Moon, Blue Moon and New Moon Hashes and any other Hashes within a 2,500 km limit of Vienna, Austria.

Sex Mistress - Walrus & Root C

Responsible to provide "entertainment" at Hash events.

Hash Naming Committee - Everyone.

This committee was set up at the Hash AGM on 7 November 1999 to give some responsibility to a group of Hashers to come up with good names. This should avoid the problem in the past of a Hasher reaching 25 runs without a name. Suggestions for new names from outside the committee are always welcome.

At the AGM in November 2003, the following new positions were created :-

Hash Pourers - Everyone should bring their own drinking vessel for down downs.

Hash Gossip - Root C

Hash Gossip Ass(istant) - A.N.a.L.

Keep us all informed on who is sleeping with whom

Hash Doctor - Professor DDr. Felch, OVH, Busg Doctor & Anita Hanjob

Take care of fallen Hashers. As we are all getting older, this post will be needed more often.

GM Retired & Retarded - The Blessed Saint Stormin' Norman, OVH & Grande Madame de Toilette, Marie Tamponette, OVH

Equivalent to GM Emeritus in other organizations. It is a benefit for the Hash to have the the GM's knowledge available to the Masthead, thus this post was created at the AGM on 2 November 2014 to keep the ex-GM on the Masthead. For example, it ensures continuity with organization of events which often need to be planned well in advance. This may be awarded to those who were GM for at least 5 years.


VH3 Full Moon Masthead

Full Moon Logo 

Full Moon GM - Joystick

Full Moon Vice Mistress - Holy Roamin' Empress, Ice Queen, OVH

Responsible for discipline on the Full Moon Hash (yet another oxymoron!).

Full Moon "R" - Sex-O-Phone & Daisy Balls

Full Moon "A" - Slush Puppie

At the Hash AGM on 5 November 2000, it was agreed to set up a sub-chapter of VH3 to organize a Vindobona Full Moon Hash on a regular basis. This Hash would have its own GM and RA, but share all other facilities with VH3 (e.g. Hash Beers, Hash Cash, the Mailing List, Web Site and Bank Account etc.).

The original GM was Mr. Bob Davolino and the original RA was No Mercy Master.

Blue Moon Logo 

VH3 Blue Moon (or New Moon) Masthead


On 27 November 2003, the first run of the Blue Moon Hash took place starting from the Votiv Kirche in Vienna, Austria. This is just a useful name for any Hash organized outside of the regular schedule and usually with visitors as Hares. The following officers were elected :-

New/Blue Moon GM - Mother Superior - Matter over Mind (MOM), OVH

New/Blue Moon RA - Multiple Entry & 007

Masthead in Previous Year