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Vindobona Hash House Harriers Hashers who have moved on to nirvana, where the bar never closes. |
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[ Pussy Whipped | Beanman [ Dodgy Condom [ Pocahontits | Zocki | King Gook | Air Franci ]
† It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Pussy Whipped (aka James Millichip) on 21 June 2022 (in Vienna).
From Barefoot in June 2022 :-An active recruiter, he was also responsible for bringing me to my first Hash in 2012 with Yangon H3 in Myanmar. Some will recall his and Wowie’s open house parties where their hospitality, great food and drink helped bring that collective, family spirit for which they are renowned, underscoring his and his wonderful wife’s warm, welcoming and inclusive nature.
Pussy Whipped joined Vindobona H3 in 2018 and it wasn’t long before he had invested in his lederhosen ready to absorb the rich culture of Austria’s capital. Vienna Beer Milers will have seen him just 2 weeks ago earning his coveted VBM running patch by finishing a very respectable 7th in the second Vienna Sparklingly Wine Mile around the State Opera House.
Pussy Whipped brought much joy and compassion to the Hash, wherever he ran, and will be greatly missed. 3Ds and I share our deep condolences to Wowie in the Philippines and hope she is able to fare the best she can at this very difficult time.
Pussy Whipped, always ready with a smile and a beer.
From On-On Magazine, June 2023 :- Pussy Whipped started hashing in August 1981 with Riyadh H3 and ran with them until April 1984. Re- turning to the UK, he was forced onto a Hash sabbatical due to the lack of a local kennel. In December 1987 James returned to Saudi Arabia, running with Yanbu H3 until January 1989. A second break was followed by a move to Brunei in 1992, where he became Hash Horn and Hare Raiser with KBH4 and GM and Hash Piss of the men’s KBH3. He was also involved in the organizing of the first Brunei Nash Hash and ran with several other chapters. In 2004 Pussy Whipped co-founded Durian City H3 in Davao City, Philippines and hashed there until April 2005 when he moved to Egypt and joined Cairo H3. He was last heard of hashing regularly with Sakhalin H3 in the Russian Far East.
[ Pussy Whipped | Beanman [ Dodgy Condom [ Pocahontits | Zocki | King Gook | Air Franci ]
† It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Beanman (aka Tom Brennan) on Wednesday, 2nd December 2020.
From Lord Glo-Balls - He was a founder of our Hash having been there on #1 Hash on 25 April 1982. He used to turn up to our re-enactment of Hash number 1 at the Grüass-di-a-Gottwirt in April each year and then a few times a year. I have know him since August 1982 and we were close friends. He leaves behind a wife (Gertraud/Trudi) and 2 children (Sean and Erin).
In addition to Beanman, I lost 2 more friends this year, both friends helped with foundation of the Vienna Celtic Rugby Club - John Skinner and Kevin Mclaughlin.
From the Founding Farter - Tom was indeed at VH3 Run #1. He was a good friend and always there with a smile and a cold beer. On-On, Beanman!
From Red Jumpert - As one Founding Farter to another, happy hashing in heaven Beano! Sympathy to Gertrud! 🦋🦋🦋
From Paco de Lies - So sad to hear about Tom, I really liked him, we kept in touch after I left and we went for dinner a few times when he was on business in Madrid, a lovely chap indeed. My thoughts are with his family 🕊️
From Glory Daze - Tom's passing is very sad news. Thinking of Gertrude and their children. RIP
Hash Flash has created a Folder of all the Photos and Videos we can find over the years.>
[ Pussy Whipped | Beanman [ Dodgy Condom [ Pocahontits | Zocki | King Gook | Air Franci ]
† It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Dodgy Condom (aka Chris Hesling) on Friday, 3rd April 2020. He left behind a wife (Madeline) and 4 children (Alex, Francesca, Chris & Georgie).
From the family - On Friday April 3rd, we lost our wonderful, funny and loving dad and the husband to our Mum. During a trip to visit his mother in Northern England, he contracted corona virus and after fighting bravely, sadly he passed away. We’re heartbroken that we’ve lost someone so special and kind but are trying to focus on all the amazing memories we have together. He taught us so much about love and laughter and how to pull off the perfectly timed, mildly inappropriate joke. We learned from him how to take something positive out of every situation and that's what we’re trying to do now. Our dad always put others first and was thoughtful and generous so we’d like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to take this virus seriously, to look out for your loved ones and cherish every moment you have together. We sincerely appreciate all the kind words and messages but please forgive us if we can’t answer all of them. Rest easy Dad, you're in all of our hearts forever ❤️
From Tickpleaser - Chris will be well known to the majority of the current VH3 regulars, and certainly those amongst us who have been hashing for 10+ years. He came to Vienna from the UNFPA in New York to work at the IAEA and after serving the customary 7 years there, he returned to NY for a period before retiring back in Vienna. In recent years he and his wife Maddie split their time between Austria and the UK after buying an apartment in Falmouth, Cornwall. At the time of the European Covid lockdown, Chris and Maddie were already in the UK. During this time he travelled up to visit his mother in the NW of England, fell ill whilst on this trip, and was hospitalised in the Southport area.
Chris was a friend to many of us and will be fondly remembered. Although he didn't attend many Hashes in recent years he still met up at the occasional Red Dress run ( I think?!) and other events including the Schweizerhaus openings. He was - and I say this with all English understatement - one of the good guys. I was fortunate enough to have been given my hash name by him back in 2005 when I first met and ran with VH3, and was lucky to meet up with him last year and spend an evening together. He will be missed by many, and thoughts are with Maddie and their four children, Alex, Frankie, Georgie and Christian.
From Just Robert - I would like to share how I met Chris and the great time I had getting to know him. In October 2017 I moved from The Netherlands to Vienna and on the last day off that month my friend Munk invited me to visit The Schweizerhaus. There were lots of new faces as I knew no one. A very nice person moved in across the table and started a conversation with me, it was Chris. I have a hearing disability but, as there was lots of noise, his voice with a pleasant accent was very clear to me. For a while I sat next to him and I had a great time. We would talk again at the spring opening but later that year in October he would not be present. It was not until March 15 2019 we met again. Unfortunately I have learnt it was the last time we spoke. I enjoyed his company listening to his lively stories and after a couple of beers I made lots of snapshots. It was Chris who advised me strongly to join the Hash and to meet more nice people! Which I do now and again. Thanks Chris, take care all.
From Ice Queen & Slush Puppie - We remember him so well. Last year at the Irish Ball I sat next to him. I still cannot imagine that he is gone!
We will light a candle for him at St. Stephen's cathedral (when it will be possible again).
More Photos and Words from other Hashers[ Pussy Whipped | Beanman [ Dodgy Condom [ Pocahontits | Zocki | King Gook | Air Franci ]
† It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Pocahontits (aka Alli Brooks) on Friday, 14 June 2019.
During her time in Vienna Pocahontits completed 819 runs with the VH3. Hashing had a special place in her life. Before coming to Vienna, Alli, yet to be named Pocahontits, was for several years an active Hasher with both the Moscow and Cairo Hash House Harriers.
For the last 18 months of her life, Alli endured a long battle against cancer. After a malignant tumour and kidney was successfully removed in March 2018 Alli appeared to make a good recovery. During the following summer and autumn of 2018 she actively took part in the Hash and related events including PGAE 18 and enjoyed an active life making trips to Greece and the Canaries with daily swimming, jogging and long walks. Her foray with cancer appeared to be behind her.While she was in remission, for Cardinal Munk's 70th Birthday Hash, on 11 August 2018, Pocahontits performed her signature Finnish Folk Song Video of Pocahontits
Unfortunately, several metastases were quietly developing and made their presence felt during late December 2018. From that time onward Alli was to experience significant spinal pain. Unidentified bone weakness brought her Tauplitz skiing days to a dramatic end in January 2019 and resulted in her being taken by ambulance back to Vienna for extensive surgery. Despite all, Alli remained positive and cheerful, continued to smile and plan how she would celebrate her recovery.
Alli’s last weeks were spent at the AKH where she finally descended into a coma. Her Finnish ‘Sisu’ ensured that she remained in coma for nine days, much to the astonishment of her doctors and carers, before peacefully leaving this world. Alli was a fighter until the end. Whoppa was by her side for the final goodbye.
There was a memorial service in the Swedish Church on 26 July 2019, as announced here. The Hash had a memorial Hash for Pocahontits on Finnish National Day, 6 December 2019 and we plan repeat this each year.
[ Pussy Whipped | Beanman [ Dodgy Condom [ Pocahontits | Zocki | King Gook | Air Franci ]
† It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Bummer McAgram (aka Zoran Goricki or Zocki) of the Zagreb Hash on Sunday, 11 October 2018 at the age of 70.
He was the Religious Advisor for Zagreb Hash and a frequent visitor on VH3 Weekends. He officiated over many Zagreb Hash weekends, which were always attended by a large group of Vindobona Hashers. The naming ceremony of VH3 is derived from the naming ceremony performed by Bummer McAgram.
He had a fondness for Scottish whiskey and often dressed as a Scottish laird, hence the Mc in his Hash Name.
His first run in Vienna was VH3's 150th Hash in November 1985. His good friend Sinex had run with him in Zagreb and introduced him to VH3.
Words from our RA (Morhaer von Richardkopf, OVH), regarding Bummer McAgram, of that Ilk :-
- A great sense of humour, with an edge to it on occasions, full of energy in his prime (now what was that ‘energy’ drink he liked, begins with letter “p”!)
- THE original RA – abounding with originality. In his flashy outfits (shocking pink!) and cutting humour he commanded attention at the Hash Circle. His Naming Ceremonies are legend, that was fun! VH3 RA’s have oft times invoked his authority on such occasions. Let that continue!
- He was the first ZH3 hasher I met, he was on a visit to Vienna in the early ‘90s, Sunday hash. He greeted me teasingly in his favourite Scots voice.. this was not just any old piss-take, I was sure he must have been living amongst the Caledonians, and he knew his stuff.
- So I’m off now to quaff a dram for you, Zorki – you’re unforgettable!
[ Pussy Whipped | Beanman [ Dodgy Condom [ Pocahontits | Zocki | King Gook | Air Franci ]
† It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of King Gook (aka Danny Caacbay) on Sunday, 24 May 2015 at the age of 66, after a brave fight against a long and debilitating illness.
He was a long time VH3 Hasher, joining in 1983 and last ran on the 1600th Hash on 6 August 2012 in Schloss Laxenburg (where he also worked for IIASA).
Marie Tamponette has written more about King Gook in his blog.
There was a memorial service on 1 June, here is the Order of Service and the Eulogy given by Cardinal Munk, OVH
[ Pussy Whipped | Beanman [ Dodgy Condom [ Pocahontits | Zocki | King Gook | Air Franci ]
† It is with great sadness that we had to report the death of one of our Hashers "Air Franci" (also known as Franz Mörtl) on 14 September 2011.
His last Hash with VH3 was on 4 October 2009 and the photos are Here. More details of the funeral arrangements are Here.
[ Pussy Whipped | Beanman [ Dodgy Condom [ Pocahontits | Zocki | King Gook | Air Franci ]