Vindobona Hash
House Harriers |
Marz maybe preparing for its Red Encounter and may even be steeling itself for a liberating force from NASA - but in the race to the Red Planet the winnerz are already months ahead; Vindobona Hash House Harriers are going to be the first to leave Hashy Footprints on Marz! A Total Recall is going to take place from Szeptember 5 to 7 when Vindobona run #1111 will colonize Marz in the lovely province of Burgenland, less than an hours drive away from Vienna. We will prove that the Marz is still unaffected by the Sarz Virus and if there ARE any outbreaks then you will be asked to wash them down with loads of the tasty Villacher Bierz - the same stuff you enjoyed during our 1000th weekend in 2002.
As lovely Burgenland is a sunny area, Marz is said to be a hot and sunny
area, so the theme for the Szaturday nite will be a beach party, (need ideaz? -
hiz, or herz) you are hereby asked to dress up,
or down-down accordingly,
live music will be provided. There will also be a few specials for and during
the runs, let that be a surprize for you.
To ensure that certain intimacy that keeps theze events floating, we have limited the number of participants to 70. We will be staying in the Pension Müllner, and for an early bird price up to July 31 of Euro 130, thereafter Euro 150, you will get all the runz and the food from Friday evening until Szaturday after the Hangover run, Szunday lunch at your own cost, not to leave out that goody-bag and a T-Shirt you can’t do without.
Come help us party away our run #1111 and enjoy Vindobona’s finest in Hashpitality, see you in Zeptember!
Friday, 5 Szeptember 2003
18:00 arrival - registration open all night, distribution of goodie bags.
18:30 SHARP Zee warm-up "is there life 0n Marz?” hash followed by circle
20:30 Welcum drinks – mystery Martian guest?
21:00 Food, drinking and music.
Szaturday, 6 Szeptember 2003
11:00 End of Breakfast
12:00 Main Hash “Search for WMD’s – Weapons of Maß Drunkenness? ”
16:30 Spread.
17:00 Sober up, carry on drinking, prepare for party etc
20:00 Food and stuff
21:30 Zee Martian Beach Party” – cum as your favourite Martian in beach wear!
21:30 Bring on the Muzic
Szunday, 7 Szeptember 2003
11:00 Hangover Hash
13:00 Breads ‘n’ Spread
15:00 Round ‘em up and head ‘em off home
Please note that the event is still in the planning stages and many of the details may change. Please check back from time to time. All registered Hashers will be kept up to date via e-mail.
Last Modified 2003-08-29 / Vindobona Hash House Harriers / John "Glo-Balls" Russell[ Home | History | Masthead | Schedule | Statistics | Vienna | Austria | Beer | External Links ]